These instructions take into account the rules of Ukrainian orthography (2019), the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine for scientific and specialized publications, national publishing standards and the requirements of international scientometric databases.
File formats and names:
(1) PDF file - manuscript of the article (“ivanchuk.pdf”);
(2) DOC-file - manuscript of the article, applicable to editing “ivanchuk.doc”;
(3) Each graphic illustration in a separate file in the original editor suitable for editing (“ivanchuk_fig1.eps”; “”; “ivanchuk_fig2.cdr”) ;
(4) DOC-file - questionnaire of the authors of the manuscript (“ivanchuk_info.doc”). Load template file Info-ukr_en
(5) DOC -file - a license agreement for the use of a scientific work - a scanned copy (“ivanchuk_license agreement.u.doc”). Download template files -– License_agreement -ukr It is sent only after approval to the publication.
Materials should be sent to the editorial secretary at or
The manuscript should be typed in the "Word" or "Open Office" editor in Arial font, size for the main text — 10 pt; For titles and text in tables and figures — 9 and 8 pt (to clarify the point size in different parts of the manuscript, use the ACSS-Template-en).
Margins: top and bottom — 2 cm, left and right — 3 cm. The beginning of a paragraph is indented 1.25 cm. Line spacing in the text, tables and figures is single. The total volume of the manuscript of the article is at least 8–10 pages, the short message is at least 5 pages.
The structure of the manuscript (for research article)
The manuscript of research article in English should contain the following components:
1. Title part: UDC; article title; the initials and surnames of the authors; the official name of the institution where the work was performed, city, country; the email address of the contact author.
2. Extended abstract (summary) in the language of the manuscript of at least 1800 characters (including keywords). The abstract should include the following: the rationale, purpose and objectives of the article, the methods used, the objects under study, the main results, the author's conclusion.
3. Key words or phrases (5–8 words) in the language of the manuscript;
4. Introduction (brief critical analysis of publications and results obtained earlier; substantiation of the choice of the topic of the article, novelty, author's contribution; necessarily – the goal and objectives of the article);
5. Objects (materials) and research methods (detailed description of objects, methods of field experiments, substantiation of the choice of analytical work methods, calculation methods, etc.);
6. Research results (recommended division into subsections – 3.1; 3.2. Etc.….);
7. Discussion (analysis) of research results (not combined with the "Results" section);
8. Conclusions and prospects for further research;
9. Acknowledgments (if necessary);
10. References (№№ in the sequence of citation);
11. Title part in Ukrainian;
12. Extended annotation in Ukrainian (at least 1800 characters including keywords);
13. Key words in Ukrainian;
A special template for the design of the manuscript with samples of the design of all parts and instructions for the size of the typographic unit can be downloaded: ACSS-Template-en.doc.
All illustrations should be referenced in the text above in brackets (Table 1; Fig. 1), or without brackets. None of the illustrations may include information found in other illustrations or text.
Graphic materials (drawings, diagrams, photographs, etc.) are placed in the text of the manuscript. Additionally, graphic materials are submitted in separate files in their original form (in the editor in which they were created) for the purpose of possible editing, if necessary.
Graphs and diagrams should be in vector format files (PS, EPS, CDR). Photographs should be clear and suitable for high quality reproduction (no less than 300 dpi). All explanations to the figure (font Arial, size 8 pt) should be placed between the figure and the caption to it (font Arial, size 9 pt, italics). The text within the picture itself should be kept to a minimum. The size of the picture is the minimum allowed. The use of color illustrations is recommended, but in the printed version of the collection the illustrations will be black and white, therefore, when choosing colors, the author must make sure that the drawing in black and white will be understandable.
In captions to cartographic materials, the scale must be indicated, and for micrographs - the degree of magnification.
Tables are placed in the text of the manuscript after the first reference. The name of the table (font Arial, size 9 pt., Italics) should disclose its content. The table should be no more than one page in size (portrait orientation). The main font in the table is Arial, size 9 pt. Notes to the table or footnote are placed in the last line of the table (font Arial, size 8 pt.). All symbols, abbreviations and designations should be deciphered in the notes
Some typing rules
Abbreviations, except for the generally accepted ones, are not allowed either in the text or in illustrations. Abbreviations should be deciphered after the first use of the terms.
Units of measurement of physical quantities should be given in accordance with the International SI system. Mathematical formulas and equations should be created in the editor Microsoft Equation, which is part of the text editor Microsoft Word or Open Office.
Special characters (including the names of companies, equipment, chemicals, equipment, etc.) should be given in their original spelling (not translated).
When referring to foreign authors in the text, do not translate their surname.
The names of plants and microorganisms must be duplicated in Latin.
References to sources of information in the text of the manuscript should be given in square brackets and sequentially numbered in the order of citation (starting with "[1]").
Do not include in the final list of sources a reference to State Standards (DSTU, ISO) and other normative documents that describe research methods or statistical compilations. You need to refer to them in footnotes, with sequential numbering along the text of the article.
References to copyright certificates and patents should be indicated in the list of sources.
References are formatted in accordance with the APA style (AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (APA) REFERENCING STYLE).
Please note that you need to cite both classic and newest publications (last 3-5 years) in the leading specialized publications of the world (in English), be sure to indicate their DOI or URL, the correctness (activity) of which should be checked.
It is possible to refer to manuscripts (abstracts, dissertations, reports, etc.) only if they are available on the web, that is, they have an address (URL) of the full text.
Examples of the design of the list of links can be seen in the articles of the latest issue of the ACSS on the site. Please do not use a "numbered list" (from the "Numbering Library" in Word).
Examples of using punctuation marks in text and illustrations:
hyphen "-" – only in compound words, without separation. Example: "scientific and technical";
short dash “–” – to indicate an interval, from – to without separation. Example: pages 12-19, years 2001-2015, but 2017/2018 agricultural year;
Dash keys: - Alt + 0150 or Ctr + minus on the numeric keypad;
The order of editorial processing of the manuscript
The activities of the editor-in-chief, members of the editorial board and staff of the editorial board of the ACSS, related to the development and publication of manuscripts, are based on the observance of ethical standards in relations with authors and reviewers (About the Journal / Publication ethics).
All manuscripts are independently reviewed by scientists who conduct research on related topics and have publications in specialized publications included in the List of Scientific Publications of Ukraine, or in publications included in international scientometric databases. The review procedure is described in detail in the section (About the Journal / Reviewing).
After receiving a positive decision from the reviewer, the editorial board sends the author the comments and suggestions of the reviewer and editor and an invoice to pay the cost of the publication. The cost of publishing one page of the article and the terms of payment are indicated in the section "Financing and pricing policy" (About the Journal / ACSS policy).
The author must pay the cost of publication by invoice and send a scanned copy or photo of a bank check (receipt) to the editorial office's email address.
The author is obliged to take into account all the comments of the reviewer and the editor (or to justify the rejection of the proposed changes in the manuscript) and send the corrected and revised material to the editorial office within a period of not more than 30 days. If the submission deadline is exceeded, the manuscript will be considered new.
The editors reserve the right to make grammatical and stylistic corrections and, if necessary, return the manuscript again for revision.
A fully prepared final version of the manuscript is sent to the author for review.
After that, the article will be published in the next issue of ACSS, posted on the publication's website, assigned a DOI (digital object identifier) index and registered in scientometric and abstract databases listed in the Indexing and Abstraction section.
Advice to authors to avoid mistakes and plagiarism
It should be remembered that the purpose of writing an article is to publish, analyze and evaluate the results of a completed scientific study, and not to set tasks and conduct research.
You should choose the original sources – the edition where the argument you need was first published.
Do not duplicate data in tables and figures in the text in any case.
The admissible level of self-citation is no more than 5 %.
Links to textbooks and electronic sources of a non-scientific nature, to encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books are undesirable.
Do not abbreviate the names of cities in the bibliographic description.
For verbatim quoting, you must use quotation marks ("quotation") and do not change the author's text in the quote. Use a space and an ellipsis for the omitted part of the quote.
The author must have permission to reproduce illustrations (tables, drawings, photos, etc.) taken from other authors and from different sources, if the authors or copyright holders prohibit the use of their materials without special agreement. A link to an open source or an indication of permission to reproduce must be placed under each borrowed illustration.
In order to avoid accusations of self-plagiarism, you should not copy fragments of slightly changed text from your own, previously published works without referring to the original source. Most editors and reviewers consider self-plagiarism unethical behavior.
Watch for the correctness of citation: refer to primary sources, do not cite sources that are not directly related to the topic of the article, completely and correctly fill out the bibliographic description, do not allow inconsistencies in citations in the text and the References.