Professor M. K. Krupskyi (1903–1986): life path and main milestones of scientific creativity


  • V. V. Kunets National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky”
  • T. M. Laktionova National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky”
  • I. F. Parasochka National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky”



M. K. Krupskyi; history of science; soil science; large-scale soil survey; mapping; salinization; filtration; occlusion; colloidal chemistry; Ukrainian Society of Soil Scientists; scientific school


The article is devoted to the study of the life path, scientific and pedagogical activities of the outstanding Ukrainian soil scientist and agrochemist Mykola Kostiantynovych Krupskyi, in particular, the period of formation of his scientific interests. With the help of archival and source analysis, an attempt was made to reproduce the early stage of the formation of the scientist's personality, the beginning of his scientific and pedagogical activity. The biography of M. K. Krupsky as one of the organizers of soil science in Ukraine in the first half of the 20th century is detailed, and his scientific priorities are indicated. After completing a postgraduate course at the research cathedra of Soil Science at the Kharkiv Agricultural Institute, M. K. Krupskyi moved to teaching (1929), and later he was appointed to the position of associate professor of the same cathedra (1930). Pedagogical talent and scientific abilities of the scientist did not go unnoticed; therefore, M. K. Krupskyi was awarded the academic title of associate professor in 1938, before obtaining a candidate's degree. Neither external factors – the Second World War, nor enormous physical strain – evacuation to the city of Katta-Kurgan, Samarkand region, and the leadership position of the head of the Department of agrochemistry at Khark. Agric. Inst. (1941–1943) did not prevent M. K. Krupskyi from successfully defending his dissertation and received the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (1942). In post-war times and the period of restoration of the country's national economy, he was actively engaged in scientific activities, while not leaving his teaching work. First - as a senior researcher of the soil science laboratory of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1945–1956), then as the head of the laboratory of physical chemistry and soil colloid technology (1956–1959), and later as the director of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Soil Science (Kharkiv) ( 1959–1974). M. K. Krupskyi is a methodologist of soil science, a follower of genetic soil science and the developer of a number of methods for determining the composition and properties of soil; he left a significant scientific legacy. The research activity of the scientist directly related to conducting a large-scale survey of the soils of Ukraine, their mapping, and development of the basic principles of agricultural land typology, agro-soil and soil-ameliorative zoning. The scientist developed the colloid-chemical direction in the study of soil, founded by academician O. N. Sokolovskyi. M. K. Krupskyi was one of the initiators of the creation of the Ukrainian Society of Soil Scientists — a special body of scientific and public opinion (1928). With his active participation, the project of the Charter of the future Society was developed and proposed. Pedagogical talent, high erudition and encyclopedic knowledge, which were characteristic of the scientist, helped him to gather the best scientific potential and in the future to become the founder of a large scientific school of soil scientists. Based on the results of the search, it was possible to restore the creative team of researchers of different generations who worked under the leadership of the recognized leader — M. K. Krupskyi.


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How to Cite

Kunets, V. V., Laktionova, T. M., & Parasochka, I. F. (2024). Professor M. K. Krupskyi (1903–1986): life path and main milestones of scientific creativity. AgroChemistry and Soil Science, 96, 58-74.